Can Police park on private property for traffic enforcement operations?

I have noticed police cars parked in private parking lots conducting speed enforcement operations. I have also noticed a cop that parks in a used car lot at night and watches an intersection for red light runners. I do not condone driving unsafely, but am confused about the authority of the police to park on private property to conduct their speed traps and traffic law enforcement. I wouldn't want them parked in my driveway running radar (not that it would happen), but isn't a cop parked in a private business lot the same thing? Are they supposed to be on a public street or public parking lot to run radar?

Hoover the GOPer2012-10-15T13:39:25Z

Favorite Answer

I'm guessing the business owner has no problem with a cop parked in their lot at night.

A business has the right to tell the cop to go somewhere else, and I'm sure there are those who do, but most would welcome the presence.


first of each and every of the cost ticket continues to be valid, so which you will no longer get it disregarded if it relatively is the protection you intend on employing. A employer is inner maximum belongings, in spite of the undeniable fact that, no rely if that's open to the generic public that's seen inner maximum belongings with public get admission to, so the police can park there and that they are in a position to enforce violations on that belongings including handicap parking violations etc. If the officer became placing on a private highway (driveway) until the owner requests her or him to flow, he can set there. maximum the time the owner of the valuables requests that site visitors is administered because of the fact of rushing site visitors each and all the time. no rely if that's highway that the county or state keeps (plows, maintenance) then the officer does not prefer permission to park there. You have been caught violating a site visitors regulation. settle for it, give up attempting to locate how in charge the officer for what you have been doing. this is no longer the 1st time that officer has parked there i'm having a gamble.


With permission of the property owner. Doesn't matter what they are doing, they are trespassing. I won a case in New Britain CT. I have a bar and they sat in the parking lot....not cool!


Most private businesses actually appreciate the extra protection provided by the officers on or near their property. Car lots get hit a lot by thieves.


ONE NEVER come on my post being disrespectful and TWO go to hell *** hole its called ANSWERS for a reason now have a good ******* day!