What did you do on your 5th, and/or 10th Wedding Anniversary?

What did you do on your 5th and/or 10th wedding anniversary?

If you renewed your vows how did you go about it? Was it like a traditional wedding?


I had our first child just before our 1st anniversary. By our 5th, we had a toddler and an infant. We probably spent out 5th having dinner at home with the babies. On our 10th we went out to dinner and a movie.

I wouldn't do a vow renewal until the 25th. I wouldn't wear a wedding gown, have a first dance, bridesmaids or bouquet toss. Just a nice renewal of vows followed by a nice dinner, dancing & cake.

JAMES K2012-10-15T15:37:13Z

I do not remember much about our 5th but for our 10th we went to Niagara Falls for our 'official' Honeymoon.
We renewed our vows at our 25th and 30th.
At our 34th (this past April) we went up to the Altar, our Rector asked my wife "Do you still?" She said 'Yes'. He asked me "Do you still?"
Fifteen seconds.
I turned to the congregation and announced "I'M THINKING IT OVER!"
Of course I then said yes, we received a blessing, he said "You may kiss your bride."
Twenty seconds later he said "That's enough."
After the service, dozens of people came to us and told me how much they loved the fun.