I know this annoying Christian guy who claims spirits are trying to make him gay...?
And what is worse he has a crush on me. I tell him that I am Muslim and strictly against homosexuality. I tell him that I am totally straight. I have done everything within my power except for physically hurting him . and he still cannot take the hint that I do not want to deal with him. what to do when all peaceful measures have failed... I do not want to be branded as the violent Muslim type , but I feel that is what it is leading up too.
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While it's kinda crap that you talk about gays this way... no one should have to deal with sexual harassment. Tell someone if he tries to touch you inappropriately without your consent. There's no reason to get violent, there has to be an authority figure that can step in if he's making unwanted sexual advances.
Try to find a way to avoid him altogether. He can't be a strong Christian or he wouldn't be doing this. Please don't make the Christians look bad because of what one is doing who claims to be a Christian. We all need Christ. He is the mediator between God and man. If you find Jesus, then pray, otherwise your prayers won't get answered and then you might resort to violence. I hope not.