homemade halloween costume idea's for 20 year old female :)?

Right so this year i'm on a tight budget but i really want to dress up for halloween but can't afford to buy a costume. i'd really appreciate it if ye could give me idea's for a costume that i could put together myself, maybe with things i could find around the house. Thanks :)


haha cecil.. i'm so fed up of trying to sort a costume that i almost would.. if it was legal. haha :P


Favorite Answer

wear nothing ;)


well, if you could get a pair of patching gloves and shoes... black if you are a brunette, red if you are a redhead.... this would be simple. Wearing JUST the gloves and shoes, you can tell people that you are the six of clubs... or hearts, if your a redhead. If you're a blond just tell them you are the four, and act ditzy

Midaja Me2012-10-17T02:20:32Z

where a grey shirt and pants draw bullbles by the bottem of the pants (more the side) mess up you hair look a bit cross eyed make a pair of grey wings and your..... derpy hooves! :)