Is it possible or safe to canoe the New River?

Can the New River be negotiated safely through the Gorge and other stretches in West Virginia? Rafts and kayaks do it all the time, but I haven't heard about canoes. This assumes capable canoeists that are experienced on other rugged waters. I've never been there, but I want to try it, if it can be done without getting my brains knocked out. I'll, of course, do some research, but wanted to get a few opinions.

Old Man Dirt2012-10-18T15:52:19Z

Favorite Answer

There is no way right now to travel the complete New River in anything. There are several dams and below them in places it is too dry at times to travel by water and at other times it is not even safe for the rocks in the path of the discharges. There are guides and outfitters that specialize in area's of this river. There are places where a canoe is perfectly safe, places where it is a maybe and others where it is a don't if you want to live (but you might make it) and others where even the indians carried their canoes around them.
Even those in kayaks drown in that river and some of them in waters they have traveled before.
So pick the area/s to travel with care and you will be alright, not all of it is white water.
It would be best to contact the different places that put together white water tours, these waters are deadly!

Richard C2012-10-19T14:53:01Z


White Water Canoeing can be done safely, and the New River has many areas that are quite beautiful. what you need to do is use some of the links and plan your canoeing carefully. There are obviously some areas I would attempt, so if you just use good judgment you should have a great time.