How can I make my boyfriend like Magic: The Gathering?

Okay, so, I've started playing MTG last month with my friends (who are all guys), and currently am addicted to it. My boyfriend, being the jealous and possessive person that he is, is completely against the idea of me being alone with a group a guys. He frequently insists that I quit playing MTG and just attend our soccer practice everyday. (We belong in the same team, but I only attend on a MWF basis.) I told my friends about this, and they suggested that I try to teach him how the game goes.

Recently, I bought him a RtR Intro (Izzet) so I can teach him. I even deliberately made him win the first games in hopes that he may like it and understand why it's so amazing. However, after a couple of plays, he said he didn't get the game and sees it as a "pointless, childish game of cards.".

Anyway, I really like playing MTG and cannot see myself quitting anytime soon. Is there anyway I could possibly try to make him like Magic?


Favorite Answer

For every attempt player makes to teach MTG to boyfriend, place one jackass token on boyfriend. At end of upkeep if there are more tokens on boyfriend than player can handle, sacrifice boyfriend to gain freedom and place boyfriend back in deck. This ability may be played at any time.

Adachi Tohru2012-10-20T14:47:05Z

You can't anyone like anything but you can express your liking of MTG and tell him you would like it if he would play cards with you. Offer to go do something he likes for the amount of time he spends playing Magic with you.


Tell him to respect who you are and try to play MTG with you just as you play soccer with him.


well, i have one piece of advice and you probably will say NO WAY! but believe me...

suck his penis....