Favorite Answer
I don't think any other religion allows polygamy. But I have seen in Africa ( Nigeria , Uganda ) even Christians keep one woman as their wife & many other women at home with out giving them wife's status . But this thing happens when the person is quite rich & all those women are very poor .
Actually , the prophet Mohammad said to keep four wives as their were many widow ladies who had no one to look after them .Those ladies lost thier husbands in Macca & Madina war . He established Islam with blood shed & battle .Then when he got power , he wanted to bring discipline in his kingdom , but saw everywhere indiscipline due to young widow ladies . So he divided those women among the exsisting men , the ratio was 1 :4 .but later Muslims took the advantage of Mahammad's division of women .He did for short time , But Muslims continued this dirty game.
Wile E. Coyote
There are many polygamist societies. In Africa there are many tribes that operate with multiple wives. Even in British Columbia (in the mountains) Canada, there is a small group of polygamists. I am not sure about other tribal communities in the worlds, but I am sure there must be more.
Mormonism has a history of polygamy, however most practicing Mormons do not engage in this activity, especially considering it is outlawed in the United States.
Some communities of Mormonism practice polygamy .
there are regulations written interior the Koran for having 4 different halves in uncomplicated terms!..and no you will have 4! those days maximum individuals of Muslim adult males in uncomplicated terms have ONE spouse! you're pertaining to minority that are like 10% or much less of every physique! ~peace and function a advantageous day~ RoChEr