How do you cope with the death of your beloved dog?

Today marks the anniversary of one of my dogs death. He was a dachshund. He was the love of my life. He ruptured a disc in his back and we had to put him to sleep. It has been 4 years. I still miss him and I know that I always will. I just want to know how others cope with thieir loss of their best friends. I know that grieve is a process that we have to endure so we don't lose it.My first child died many years ago. My mom died. . To me time covers the wound over of the loss, but the pain, heartache and loss can be ripped open at any time and felt anew.


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I know where you're coming from, Honey; I've had to have fur-children put down too. It sounds like your dog was a special one.

If your dog liked playing outside, have you considered planting a tree or some flowers for him? Have you considered writing about him? Several years ago when Bear- a kitty that used to belong to my mother- died, my nephew and I sat around drawing pictures of him. Bear took care of ALL the kittens, including the two-legged ones.

Read the poem Rainbow Bridge. It can be found here:

Consider adopting a dog in your dog's honor. A few months ago, one of my friends posted a poem titled A Dog's Last Will and Testament. The dog in this poem wills his toys and home to some homeless scared dog who doesn't have anyone to take care of him.

Feel better.


I misplaced my dog a number of years ago. I had grown up with him literally my whole existence, and letting him go was once the toughest and most heartbreaking thing I've ever needed to do. I allowed myself to be upset and grieve. I allowed myself to cry and be angry and lock myself in the bathroom for a few days in view that that is what helped me to cope, they are common human responses. I observed that after a whilst, on the grounds that I had gotten it out of my process (all the anger and denial and guilt) that I used to be in a position to look so much clearer. I was once in a position to understand that he used to be at an advantage where he couldn't be in suffering anymore and that in itself supplied me some relief. Every person is distinctive, but i'd say just let yourself be unhappy. Provide it time. You are going to study to deal with it and understand in time, and when you are ready, you can start again with a different dog. That's what I did, and i really like my new dog much more than my first and we've got a good nearer bond. My deepest sympathies. I desire you all the love on the earth xx


You are insane, and consider this a well-deserved rebuke.. I would normally say buy another one, but in your condition you should not have one, just like an alcoholic should not buy another drink.. See a psychiatrist.


just feel the pain when it comes..don't deprive yourself or be hard on yourself for what you are feeling.. have an anniversary party for your dog..:)


I don't have a beloved dog. I don't form emotional attachments to animals. It doesn't affect me when they die. Get help please.

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