Barack Obama ends the war in Iraq - Thats Good?

But Has He Done Anything Here In The U.S.A


I Don;t See The Economy Getting Better

foods keeps getting higher

gas is stii high -all things keep getting higher


I hope whoever is president in 2013 fixes the probelms we have here in the U.S.

america debt is to high keeps getting higher


they need to stop taking from social security n threating it

their are people who need it


Romney: Campaign 'Not Concerned About the Very Poor

they need to stop taking from social security n threating it


Both Candidates For President Have Some Ideals That Are UnGodly

they need to stop taking from social security n threating it

Romney: Campaign 'Not Concerned About the Very Poor


Favorite Answer

The time table was set by Bush.

All the idiot had to do was execute. And he has pretty much screwed that up with his dealings in Iraq.


That's a major feat! It definitely slowed down the drain on resources flowing out of the country that were pouring into Iraq.

He's started us on a path to fix the healthcare system!


What he hasn't mentioned is that there are still roughly 30,000 US support troops still in Iraq. Since they're not "combat troops", he gets away with saying that we've completely withdrawn.


On Bush's timeline.


Yes he has do your research

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