out of Both Candidates For President?

who do you think will do a better job - who cares about america n the people more


which one cares about the Poor n Elderly n the disabled most


Romney-Ryan Want to Cut Your Social Security and Medicare - that's not caring at all


thats ungodly - Romney-Ryan Want to Cut Your Social Security and Medicare


they need to cut where Congress can vote themselves a rise n stop sending money out of the USA


build america up instead of other country's- I mean its good to help out - but our country needs it


build america up instead of other country's- I mean its good to help out - but our country needs it

Bryan Torrence2012-10-23T07:01:43Z

Favorite Answer

As an urban dweller in lower middleclass America who struggles more now to make ends meet than I did 3 years ago, I can honestly tell you Obama has not only done NOTHING for me but hasnt even helped anyone that I know of. I live in a major US city in a crummy apartment, Im in debt up to my eye balls, I wonder every month if Im gonna have enough to pay the electric bill and get enough groceries. Now I am being burdened with a new government mandate OBAMA CARE that I cant afford either. I dont have a car anymore and would at least like to get a decent pair of shoes because mine are falling apart, but cant afford them. But i'll have health insurance so I can live longer ( why would I want to ?) Obama had four years to produce positive results and he failed misserably as far as I'm concerned. But the media thinks he the best thing since God said "Let there be light !" I wish I knew what alternate universe they live in cause I may wanna move there. Romney already got my vote cause its time for a change. Like the way things were five years ago for me. Richard


First, there ARE more than two candidates.

But of the two main ones, clearly Obama will do a better job, and actually cares about the citizens.

Romney clearly hates everyone who isn't extremely rich.

Remember, since most seniors vote Republican, Romney & Ryan won't touch the benefits to ANY seniors (except the improvements Obama made to Medicare); they just want to get rid of it for everyone currently under 55 years of age.

But that's only ONE thing they want to do to ruin the lives of the vast majority of citizens.

Basically, they want ONLY people who make all their income from investments to have ALL of everyone's money, and for all the rest of us to be their serfs.

