Ever had common interests with someone you hate?
I'd like to know how you deal with this or if you are not or have never been in a situation like this, i'd like to know your suggestions. Now this is going to sound very silly at most but I hate having a common intrest with a person I hate. It's like..for example is we like playing the same video games. When I play it, I remember this person I hate and it makes me somewhat have resentful feelings over the game. And also with other common interest is the same. It's like we are a lot alike and even my boyfriend has pointed out our similarities. This person, a girl, she has done a lot of wrong in my relationship and I just hate the fact that we like almost everything the same, even the same dream job and studies in university..hell, we even sorta look alike
I just don't want to have resentful feelings over the things i love doing...but it's not as easy. 5 months ago I was able to just let go of all this but the bad feelings are back.
P.S: idk if this is in the right category,sorry!