Can it be possible that every new born remember its past birth .?
But he forgets it till he grows up and learn to speak and communicate properly as new parents and surrounding over power old memories and wiped out ultimately barring few exception which explain some reincarnation cases.
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Back when I was a kid 1950's, any talk about reincarnation or past life memories, would have been deemed "sorcery".
Children, like myself were warned not to talk about those things, lest we be drowned in the river, by the bible thumpers.
The test back then was: They would bind your hands and feet and tie a heavy stone around your neck and then throw you in the river. If you drowned...well that meant that you were OK, you weren't a witch and that they would mourn your passing; but if you survived, you were deemed a sorcerer, and burned at the stake with a wooden stake sticking out of your heart.
So you see why much information about reincarnation has been withheld over the years. Any child from my day or before, suppressed all feelings that we had lived before. It could get us in BIG trouble.
If you believe in reincarnation then yes, this is absolutely possible because this would mean your soul is the thing traveling from body to body and the soul contains the memories. Hence it should be possible if you believe in reincarnation.