Have you ever been harrassed/stalked in reality?

I have. For 11 years. Then assaulted/raped.

Bob Bob2012-10-26T19:03:49Z

Favorite Answer

No, never. Oh, I am so sorry. That would be a horrible thing, hopefully you have overcome it. I am a little speechless, I wish people would give others more respect.


Yes and many people didn't believe me and thought that I was just being a drama queen. I finally got a restraining order and moved far away, hiding my address, contact info. I was lucky not to get raped or really badly physical harmed. I'm sorry about what happen to you.




I am so sorry for that to have happened to you. Remember though GOD is closer to you now then ever before.
There is a reason you lived through that trial and terror. Maybe to share your wisdom so it doesn't happen to other girls near you. My prayers and best wishes for continued healing

Wild At Heart2012-10-27T02:57:16Z

Yes I have been and raped by a bully when I was 13. I'm sorry to hear it happened to you :(

:'( Aww, it's disgusting.

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