My neighbor wants to cut my trees?
He's worried that this hurricane will cause them to fall onto his garage. He says if they do, I will have to pay for damage? They are beautiful blue spruce trees about 30 feet tall.
He's worried that this hurricane will cause them to fall onto his garage. He says if they do, I will have to pay for damage? They are beautiful blue spruce trees about 30 feet tall.
Favorite Answer
That is sad... How do you live with a neighbour that has his mind set on such a thing and if you do not agree continue to live in Peace afterwards. You could cut your trees and still his garage may be destroyed by the storm.
This is a hard decision, especially if you love your trees, especially since they are beautiful living things.
I would let it be, if his garage is destroyed by your trees he cannot sue you, because it is not like you did it, don't they call it "act of God". Call your lawyer and find out what your neighbour can do if this should happen. I don't think he can do much if it should happen.
Right now if I were you, I would worry about getting some supplies and getting my family out of the path of the storm. Right now, at this moment, that is all you should be worrying about, not about cutting down trees with a storm on the way. You do not want to be holding any electric saw or any equipment with a storm coming you could injure yourself. And where would you pile all the wood. It would end up being more dangerous having loose wood flying in the face of the storm, than a tree that is grounded in the earth for who knows how long. His garage would really be hit with wood then if it was cut and lying around.
Just leave your neighbour be, and just say a little prayer that he will find sense and good judgement at this crucial moment, worrying about his garage is not as important as worrying about taking care of his family and himself from the storm.. Good Luck and God Bless.
Steve W
Take a picture of the healthy tree and his 'hack-job' if you can. Making bad pruning cuts on ANY mature tree can invite pests and disease that can kill the tree. He IS in his legal right to cut ANY branches that cross the property line but only ON the property line which makes it difficult for him to make a good cut and hence protect the health of the tree. Just tell him his actions have been noted and documented.
I hate freaks that start panicking like that.
It depends on if the tree is healthy. In most states if the tree is healthy it is the responsibly of the property of whoever the tree lands on. If the tree was dead or diseased then you would be responsible. If he has had a problem then he needs to take it up with his insurance company and state that he is concerned. You need to check your state law but it is almost always the person who it land's on responsibility.
Blue spruces are coniferous evergreens. They are highly unlikely to fall-especially if they are only 30' tall. Your neighbor is worrying about something that's NOT going to happen.
1. he cannot cut what is not on his property. if it hangs over his property he can cut it ( w.e. is hanging over not the entire tree)
2. i HIGHLY doubt if your tree lands on his garage that you will be liable it's a fking nature thing he should have insurance to cover it. i would not even worry about him trying to sue/charge you for it.