What do you think of the perdictions for December 21st 2012?

A lot of rumors are going around about Dec. 21st 2012 and plant x or nibiru. Is it a hoax? Or is there truth behind it? Any ideas?


To everyone who is being a smart *** about my statement. It wasn't a technical question. It was posted as a discussion!!!!


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Undiluted bullsh!t- see link.

Have you any idea how often this question has been asked?

Have you learned nothing from Harold Camping's failed EOTW predictions of 2011?


If there was anything I've been completely and positively sure of up until this moment in time, it's that the 2012 Doomsday will most definitely not occur. But let's say there is a Planet X (Nibiru). Don't you think we'd be able to see such a large object in the sky with December 21st drawing so near?


While it is possible for a large honking planet-killing planetoid to hit us at some point in the future, hell it's happened to us at the creation of the moon, it is unlikely that the Mayans predicted it.

To start off, the Mayans did not predict the end of the world in 2012. The date on their calendar is simply the end of one era and the beginning of another.

The calendar goes like this.

K'in which is one day
Winal which is 20 days
Tun which is 18 Winal or 360 days
K'atun is 20 Tun or 7,200 days
B'ak'tun is 20 K'atun or 144,000 days

And it's read B'ak'tun, K'atun, Tun, Winal, Kin

So let's look at the dates of note. August 11, 3114 BCE (the last time we hit 13 B'ak'tun...funny, the world survived that one) November 13, 2720 BCE (144,000 days after the last end of the long count calendar) February 16, 2325 BCE May 21, 1931 BCE August 23, 1537 BCE November 26, 1143 BCE February 28, 748 BCE June 3, 354 BCE September 5, 41 CE December 9, 435 March 13, 830 June 15, 1224 September 18, 1618 December 21, 2012

And the calendar will reset back to and keep on going March 26, 2407 June 28, 2801 October 1, 3195 January 3, 3590 April 7, 3984 July 11, 4378 October 13, 4772

And so on and so forth.

Someone made yet another end of the world prediction and attached it to that day, for after all the Mayans must have been super wise and full of precognition goodness if they ended their calender there.

Funny they could predict the end of the world, but not the collapse of their own civilization.

In my lifetime alone there have been EotW predictions aplenty. Fifty-one EotW predictions since I was born in 1971. Most of them were obscure, some of them were as widely believed as this one. Case in point was the planetary alignment back in the 80's that was supposed to create such gravimetric stresses on our planet that it would rip it apart. This had the Tabloid press going ape-poop crazy with "OMFG! We gonna die!" articles and the populace was going off in a tizzy hording canned goods, praying to as many gods as they could get religious texts for...

Funny, we survived that one too.

And as for the rogue planet theory? Interesting point of note. It's a planet. A planet that would be large and spherical. Like the rest of the planets out there. We see Mars in the sky all the time. We see Venus, Jupiter and Saturn with the naked eye. As December is pretty close, we should be able to see a big honking planet-killing rock. Funny, nothing in the sky looks out of place.

Secondly with all the (real) concern with NEO's (Near Earth Objects) like 99942 Apophis, we are combing the sky looking for big extinction-causing rocks out there that might be heading our way. If we can see asteroids and meteoroids the size of small islands in the Caribbean at extreme distances...again a small planet schlepping our way would cause much notice.

Simply put, it's yet another panic-inducing hoax perpetuated by pseudo-scientifically minded people who are looking for the end of the world instead of looking at the possibility that we might actually grow out of our technological adolescence.


I survived Y2K and both of Harold Camping's "predictions" of the Rapture. So bring it on, 2012.


When the Mayans wrote their calendar, they did not have leap years, which would take out like a year and a half or something, so if were going by their calendar, the world should have ended like last year.

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