Do you think World War III will happen soon?


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Well seeing as we're over 16 trillion dollars in debt yea maybe


Depends on how you look at it. Some people could argue that we are already in a world war. 10+ years in the Middle East irAq/a-Stan. Many nations across the continents have sent soldiers to the sand box to play. And all of the other disturbances of peace over the years that nobody can control. Just a different way to think about things. If something big does happen hopefully I can wait a year because I'm hangin up my boots and blue cord here about 6 months hooah


Nope. The possibility of a World War in the true sense of the definition is about as likely to happen as a meteor coming down and destroying the earth in the next 50 years.


Yes. Sandy started the war in the east coast

Mr K2012-11-04T03:55:17Z

If Romney wins this next election then I would say that it is far more probable. He has identified Russia as Americas greatest threat and Vladimir Putin has already said that Russia will never be talked to from a position of strength. I don't think Putin would hesitate to use nuclear or biological weapons if he had to defend his country.

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