Please critique this colt.?
Said to be a year and 1/2 quarterhorse. Not gelded, hasn't dropped.

Thank you!


I will try to get better pics asap...


Favorite Answer

Well he looks to have a good disposition, but is calf kneed, short necked and has an unattractive head. The fact that he hasn't dropped yet means he's likely cryptorchid (will be expensive to geld). I'd keep looking.


He is quite upright in the shoulder and a little long in the back. He has relatively short forearms and fairly long pasterns. Honestly, I am not a huge fan of his front end conformation at all. The good points that I see are the hocks are well set and low to the ground, as they should be in a Quarter Horse. If he has not yet dropped and does not by the two year mark, that's going to cost you quite a bit of money. Cryptorchid surgery, at least in my area, is around $700,


No way to really judge this horse. You have no quiet full side view, no front view, no hind view where the horse is square, so that it can be seen if he is cow hocked, or sicle hocked. Can't tell if he toes in our out in the front end.

All I see is a little horse, with a not very shiny coat, in photos I cannot discern the conformation of anything.



Not good conformation pictures but I would not be interested in that one.