Hypothetical question about an industry invention & patent control?

Hypothetical question about an industry invention & patent control

if you invented something revolutionary and have a patent on it and this invention is hugely needed by every home, business and education center as well as many other places around the world so much so that it causes a revolution and a new industry with millions of jobs
and you have a virtual monopoly on this new industry still maintaining a strong patent on your invention.

But then the United states or some other country where ever you started it says that your company is a global monopoly and says they are going to break your company apart would that mean your patent would be taken away from you or could you still maintain the ownership of your creation and could they really do that if it was something that you invented in the first place?

I read a article saying

"The beauty of a patent is that it guarantees you with a virtual monopoly on your invention. Therefore, if you gain a patent, you are legally allowed to exclude anyone else from making or selling your invention. Imagine the potential a marketable invention holds"

is that true?

In Science we trust2012-11-04T16:52:21Z

Favorite Answer

In general, yes. If the Federal Trade Commission determines that your business is a monopoly, then it may force a breakup. This is fairly rare. However, your patents are not taken away. You would be forced to license it to the entities formed in the breakup. Under the scenario you describe, you would still be making a lot of money (at least until your patent expired - 20 years).


hypothetically, no