Help, please. I need to go to the emergency room?

I woke up this morning with a horrible cough. Throughout the day, it just progressively got worse. At this point, I can barely breathe. When I breathe, I wheeze.

After I cough, I literally choke for about 20 seconds. No air comes in or out of my lungs.

I'm miserable.

Here's the catch;
At my job, I can't take a day off unless it's a family emergency, or I have written consent from a doctor. I will lose my job, if I can't prove that there's something wrong with me.

But, I only have about $40 to my name. I can't pay for an ER visit. I literally feel like I'm going to die, or choke to death while I'm sleeping.

What should I do?


Favorite Answer

Not being able to breathe is not something to play with. No hospital can refuse service in the ER. At least you can get the proper treatment and you will have a Dr.'s note for work. You may have to make arrangements to pay out your bill.


go to the ER if you go they do give you a doctor's note
you probably have some sort of bug. you have something or other. You won't lose your job, trust me. And a doctor's note can be given by ER room
go there
you can transfer money from your credit card to your debit take some money out from there
good luck
get that cough checked
you're too sick to work.
if you still are scared, go after work or now...ERs are 24 hours for a reason


sounds like the flu thats been going around mimicking bronchitis. go get some pseudofedrin (sudo) and that will deal with infmation swelling and dry you up. also check about musinex . that will help too.
dont waste money to see a doc just because of a cold. also ibuprhen helps. in a case like this about 600-800mg


Try meeting up with someone you know that is a doctor or nurse


OMG SAME HERE , just see the doctor