A question for Atheists?

If Athe created the universe, then who created Athe? Christianity proven.

Matt 28:19: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Even more proof right there.


You think I am being serious, and I am the one who is stupid? You are way intelligenter than I.

No User Serviceable Parts2012-11-07T16:24:50Z

Favorite Answer

Sorry, not even worth waking up to answer that one!


Athe was born from the thermal energy of the big bang. That's why she's so hawt.

See, Athe demands that her followers argue against religion. She rewards her most loyal subjects in the afterlife by endlessly making wild love to them. That's why I spend so much time in the R&S section of Yahoo Answers.

It's worth noting that even gay men and straight women cannot resist the divine hawtness of Athe, so all genders and orientations are equally welcome in Atheism. We're one-up on Christianity in that regard.

Pirate AM™2012-11-08T00:25:42Z

Interesting but nothing resembling evidence. You might as well try to claim that homeopathy is legit or that astrology is not a rip off.


Yep, you proved you're an idiot. Well done!

Slightly Cynical2012-11-08T00:29:34Z


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