Paying rent in exchange for credit?

I am 21 years old and make about 3k a month 36k yearly. I do go to college and pay for it my self that's about 4k to 5k a year. With that said. I live at home with my mom to help her out with bills and everything. I know renting builds your credit how can I go about saying I am renting a room at the house with contract and everything? Because in my taxes it doesn't show I'm paying rent it just shows I spend about 5k in school and keep the rest to my self I think a contract would make it "official" and help me build my credit since I have no credit at all. Do we have to go to a notary? A realtor?


Favorite Answer

Congrats, You are acting like a grown up and paying for your own education. Your mom should be proud of you.
That said, rental payments ARE not tax deductible.
Rental payments DO NOT build credit. To the contrary, they could hurt your credit if you don't pay and your landlord evicts you and sue you in civil court for back rent and damages to his property.

No one prevents you and your mother to make up a formal rental/lease agreement. But why? It doesn't make any difference to you. For your mother, however, she will owe taxes on rental income.

Take care

Go with the flow2012-11-08T15:16:12Z

Renting does not build your credit.
That is 100% myth.
The payments do not show up on your credit reports.

Do not worry about your credit for now.
Worry about getting the best education you possibly can.
Credit will come very easily once you get your career going.

Other things that do not affect credit:
Getting a cell phone plan, renting furniture, pay day loans, even some pay here buy here car places.
If you want to start up credit, consider a secured card.
Wells Fargo has a good one.
Make sure you replace the funds in full each month.
No games of carrying balances which can only cause damage.

A Hunch2012-11-08T16:53:21Z

Rent hopefully does not build you credit.
The only time that rent payments are reported on your credit is when you don't pay your rent, get evicted, and the judgment is listed on your credit report. It is negative credit.


Renting does not build credit. Rent is not credit at all, you pay for the upcoming month.

Rent is also not tax deductible.


sorry u new to this concept of credit.
rent has zero to do with taxes , at least in USA.
rent really has nothing to do with credit at 21.

suggest u read Total money make over, Dave Ramsey
so u can learn hard costly pain filled life lessons
from others mistakes, not yours.
doing so is much faster , cheaper, easier.

understand u can live with out 'credit'.

good knowledge is good luck.