Because their left part of brain is more active and spinal cord cross below neck and left brain control right side of body and so... but why chimpanzees are not right handed when their body and brain are similar to us?
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I think it has to do with brain structure.
The part of the brain that controls handwriting is in the left hemisphere of the brain in 90% of right-handed people. Like you said, the left brain controls the right side of the body, and most people are naturally right-handed. That makes sense. It's also in the left hemisphere for 70% of lefties, and I don't "get" that. But I hope the info's helpful.
I'm not sure, But in catholic schools at one time being left handed was considered the devils work. So people had to write with their right hand. Years later they still tended to use their left hand.
It mostly comes down to what hand the teacher used to teach you how to write. If your teacher was a lefty, the students are more adept to also become leftys.