Christians PLEASE READ?

What if God is real but all he wants is for people to love one another and help one another and ensure that no one goes hungry or dies because of individual's imaginary friends? What if the whole reason we are here is to learn how to live together to achieve one purpose- to survive and co-inhabit peacefully? What if it REALLY makes him mad when people alter books that he he wrote to suite their own needs? What of he loves each and every one of us exactly as we are as long as we are not hurting those around us and take the opportunities we are given to make those around us happy rather then judging each other based on a book that may or may not (but was) altered 1,000 times over by selfish men? What if each and every one of us is capable of knowing what is right and what is wrong based on our individual experiences and we were capable of deciding that for ourselves based on the wrongs done to us by others? Like in kindergarten when a kid pushed us down and we learned that it made us feel sad so we never pushed someone or if we have a phyisical difference and kids made fun if us so we never made fun of someone for how they were born. What if THAT is what God intended and not so much about judging one another based on religion, sexual orientation or lifestyle? What a wacky, peaceful, educated world we would live in!
But forget that, god hates anyone that doesn't follow the bible to a T! Right?
18 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.
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Nope. Not what I was asking. I don't want to to regurgitate bible verses, I want you to THINK.
I love God and not only do I pray but I treat every single persons meet with respect and dignity. I live by the values that were instilled in me at birth. I treat others how I would want to be treated. It just so happens that in this case if I were living based on lies and hatred I would want someone to set me straight. I want to know what YOUR HEARTS tell you and how you feel at night before you fall asleep for basing your believes on hate.
9 minutes ago

Wow- not a single person read past the first line to see that I very much do believe in God and every single point I made was based on the teachings of Jesus. You all need to get out of church and FIND GOD.

I did post this already but no one read what I wrote, do NOT regurgitate bible verses, simply explain to me how you feel that you are living a Christian life. I know it's a lot to ask of you to read sooo many words but just bare with me, ok?


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Do not regurgitate, and yet you say you believe in God.

Jesus said there would be no peace, unless we all do what, wait for his return and believe in him.

How about this, Let God be true and every man a liar, think on that, any one left out of that? Yes, Father, Son and Holy Ghost.....So that makes me, a liar, will you agree with God on that?

This is the claim of all peace mongers, if we just try a little harder to get along, how is that working for non muslims in muslim countries?

You see, men did not hate first, their father did, Satan, God is only the Father of those he adopts, not of those who claim him.

Common phrase, God don't make junk, yes, so why did he have to die for your sins? We are bought with a price, and it was no small price.

So unfortunately, Jesus, the Father, the Holy Spirit, can't overcome the sin and war, and hate of the world, without judgment. We stand judged, awaiting sentencing, it is more repulsive to him, obviously, than what he sees now, or the judging would begin.


People LOVE their Traditions and being told what to think and what parts of the Bible to read !

Even if there were people like Sir Isaac Newton that went back and CHECKED the Original Greek and Aramaic Texts... EVEN He was to Afraid publishing his Findings of Bible Tampering! Afraid of going against Popular public opinion and having his Other Scientific Papers ignored in the backlash.

The latest person to find out this Truth "could NOT Handle the Truth"! Bart D. Ehrman was a passionate and committed Evangelical Christian SCHOLAR who began to lose his faith while studying the ORIGINAL Greek and Hebrew Scriptures while doing the research for his book "Misquoting Jesus".

He found SO many alterations in the N.T. it caused him to become very disillusioned; he lost faith and became an Agnostic!!

What an IDIOT. He failed to see that Our Father's BASIC message WAS STILL there!!... DESPITE mans attempts to alter it.

It is Said that His WORD would in LATER times "be written in the Hearts" of the Believers. Admittedly, I am not wise enough to know if THAT time is present..

I am just doing MY Best to Live the Life/Way as Yeshua taught us.

Cader and Glyder scrambler2012-11-11T14:19:25Z

I think one of the things taught in the gospels is that people don't naturally do those "what ifs" unfortunately. According to the christian Bible we also do need to be forgiven ours sins to be acceptable to God. Then through God's work in us we can become more the kind of people we are 'meant' to be, although perfection won't come in this life. Also this world as-it-is is not perfect so you get disease, death, cruelty, war etc, so there will be a new heavens and earth created ultimately, and we because we are not just bodies but spirits will also be able to live up in heaven as well as down here. The Bible does also teach hell which is not a popular idea, but it is taught by Jesus, so if one thinks his teachings are basically right, then that's something one needs to avoid.


you got it my friend. man could end all problems in the world. God is love, compassion and understanding. All these religions were made to control and divide people from the true meaning of God...lets not forget all religion is man made. religion divides and breaks apart, God brings together and completes. God is the light, pure love, mercy and understanding If we follow the teachings and examples of how Jesus lived we would all be ok. the bible is the roman emperor constantines vision of what a religion should be. if someone follows the bible blindly without thinking critically on their own they essentially follow constantine, another man. i had one christian lady tell me ghandi was in hell because he was hindu but even if i slaughtered her whole family but then turned christian and said the words ":i accept jesus as my saviour" i would go to heaven......thats the type of brainwashed people you and I are up against. God bless, peace, and good luck my friend....I can see you have the light within you and understand !!


1) God is real and He does want us to love and respect one another.
2) We are here for once purpose: To develop a healthy relationship with the Creator.
3) It DOES make Him mad that people alter His Word. Anyone who does this is in danger of losing the Kingdom.
4) He doesn't love us for who we are. He loves us because He is our Father. He doesn't need to change in order to make this work, we do.
5) "Not hurting those around you" includes yourself. No, you can't do whatever you want, even if you aren't hurting others. YOU are human, a descendant of Adam and Eve, Noah and Naamah. YOU have to be treated as one, even by your own self.
6) While there are altered versions of the Bible, it is inaccurate to say that it has been completely altered. Scholars on both sides of the believing fence report that the current incarnation of the Bible (in most any language) is more reliable than other documents from that time for many factors; especially the care Jews and Christians took to preserve and translate the Bible throughout the centuries. Jews in particular are vigorous historians, and would destroy a copy of anything that was inaccurate, even if the inaccuracy was a simple blotch in the margin. Don't believe everything you see on television.
7) Everyone IS capable of knowing right from wrong based on their individual experiences, the Bible itself reports this. The problem in lies upon people WILLFULLY making the wrong choice. Adolf Hitler was fully capable of using logic and reason to determine what he was doing was wrong. No bible would have been necessary. He CHOSE to do evil.
8) You have confused 'judging' with 'testifying'. While there are so-called 'Christians' who also cannot tell the difference, telling a gay person that homosexuality is a sin isn't judging them. Telling them they are destined for Hell just because they are gay (whether they've had gay sex or not) IS judging them.
9) The idealism of a peaceful, perfect, hungryless, educated world is noble to the T, but Satan hates us, and no matter what action we take to rectify it, He will ALWAYS ruin it (until Armageddon). You see Satan has at least 3 dimensions on us, which allows him to alter things in ways we cannot perceive or even begin to understand. So no matter what we do, he will always have the drop on us (Until Armageddon, of course).
10) God does hate. He has used the word to describe what he is feeling before, but the people he hates are not those who don't follow the Bible to a T. NO ONE can follow the bible to a T. The Bible says its IMPOSSIBLE. That's what the saving Grace of Christ Yeshua is for. The Bible is simply a mirror that shows you how ugly, wicked and evil we humans have become.
11) You should treat others the way you expect to be treated. Homosexuality may be a sin, but I cannot have laws that allow the government to poke their noses in gay people's business to command their individual lives. If the government can do that to gay people, what's stopping them from doing it to Christians? I expect that as long as Christians are restricted from being Christian in public forums, they will always vote to restrict others. You can't put government in religion and expect religion to stay out of government. The Universe just doesn't work that way.
12) Conducing your life on the teachings of Yeshua is great! However, it is not enough to get you into Heaven. Remember what I said about the Bible being a mirror? You CAN'T 100% of the time live by the words of Yeshua. Its impossible, humans are broken. Now, the fact that you are striving is the first step, but what do you do when you fail? When the Israelites had just gotten out of Egypt, and crafted a golden calf to worship (only breaking the 1st 2 commandments) Moses smashed ALL of the commandments upon the golden calf. Sin is sin. It doesn't matter which one you commit, you've broken the whole Law of the Bible. So what do you do then? A sinner is condemned to hell (by their own choice, God does not 'send' anyone to Hell, they take themselves there). No amount of subsequent 'good deeds' can change that. At this point you MUST accept Christ Yeshua into your heart and ask for forgiveness. Why? Because he is the exception to the rule. Christ DID obey the bible to a T, and now he's the Emperor of a vast intergalactic/inter-dimensional Kingdom, with seven (counting the humans there; 8) intelligent races of extra-terrestrial beings on his side. Through Him your sin can be forgiven and you can obtain eternity with Him. This will make you so powerful, pagan gods will be as dust beneath your fingernails, you will be incharge of angels (those extra-terrestial beings), the very fabric of reality shall be your legos, you shall wear a crown as Christ does, and all things will be at your feet.

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