Do You Like My Names? +BQ !!!!!?

My husband and I are getting closer to deciding to have children. We like a few names but are torn on a few. Please rate 1-10 (1 being lowest, 10 highest). Also, what kind of person do you think of with these names?


Dane (our favorite. 99% going to be our first son)


Caroline 'Carlie'

Thank you!!!


Favorite Answer

I think that Dane is cute! If I choose from those I would choose Myles for the boy and Mallorie for the girl except I would spell it Mallory. I love the names you choose so unique because I don't here them often where I live. :) So basicaly here are my ratings:


Dane-8.5 This person seems energetic but a good friend to others
Myles-10!! Myles seems like a fun person to be around always conforting and supporting others
Milo -5 Milo seems to be kinda rude and or overconfident
Henry- 4.5 Henery is mature sounding he seems like he would grow up to fast
Mason-9 Also another name I adore but I think he would be more focused on girs than grades


Alessandra-6 Too stuck up the name is pretty but shows a big ego
Mallorie-10!! So cute an uriky character fun-loving and sweet
Caroline 'Carlie'-7 Just average I think this name is boring for an average boring person
Kallianne- 8.5Cute quiet girl I actully give this name a thumbs up :)
Calianne- 7 Seems like the one above but I like the spelling better with the K


Just as a warning, I'm brutally honest, and I'm suuppperrrr picky about boys names so my opinion hardly counts for the boys :P
Dane 6/10 A trouble maker :P quite honestly, I would prefer Daniel and then Dane as a nickname, because there's no nice nickname for just 'Dane'
Myles 7/10 a sweet boy, I actually like this name it's nice
Milo 5/10 it's not an awful name but it's not my type, maybe a sweet kinda geeky kid
Henry 4/10 not really my favorite name, sounds rather "old man-ish"
Mason 9/10 probably my favorite on this list, it's modern and nice and I think of a nice average good looking boy
Name Combination: Mason Henry I think is nice (Henry as a second name is acceptable to me :P)

Alessandra- 7/10 It's pretty and has lots of nice nicknames but I kind of think snobby, how about Alexandra?
Mallorie- 6/10 I think of a little blonde girl with a bit of attitude :P it's not an awful name it's kind of cute
Caroline- 5/10 it's not horrible again and Carlie is cute :) a brunette quiet girl
Kallianne- 7/10 it's nice and I like "Kalli" sweet little girl
Calianne- is this the same name spelled different? I prefer the first one spelling :P
Name Combo- Alessandra Caroline

:) hope this was somewhat helpful

Gloria A2012-11-12T00:15:13Z


Myles 8
Henry 7


Yeah they're Nice :) especially like Dane, since I'm from Denmark :D