I read this article that talks about "de-barking" your dog and how these people from Coalition to Protect and Rescue Pets started a petition to the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) asking to alter its position and stand firm against devocalization surgery for dogs and cats.
I think it's cruel and inhumane. There is absolutely no reason to devocalize your pet. It's part of how they communicate with you and everything around them. If you don't have the time or skill to correct the behavior of constant barking, then you don't deserve to have a dog. It makes me sad that people can even think of this.
What's your view on de-barking? Is it cruel or is it humane because it conveniences you?
This question has been asked a number of times on here.
If it's a matter of an owner losing their home or having to get rid of the dog/kill the dog or getting the dog debarked, I am for the debarking every single time.
No, the person in question shouldn't have gotten a vocal dog, but the fact is that they have the dog. It's not like finding new homes for unwanted untrained barky dogs is easy.
Anyone who can do this, and then claim to be "all positive" can get stuffed. Its a mutilation.
If you have a dog that barks excessively - work it. If you have so many dogs they cannot be given attention - then reduce your zoo - rather than mutilate them and encourage hoarding and narcissism.
I NEVER use bark collars - and never punish my dogs for being in my back yard alone - barking. I realize dogs bark - and accept responsibility for their nature. Instead of letting them bark, I call them in. Its convenient for those that do to claim "you don't understand" .
Yes, it is as cruel and inhumane to mutilate as it is to put a dog in a yard with a bark collar and then watch it get zapped.
This is another example of "small dog syndrome" - its a myth ******************** And Cookie - how many dogs do you own? Admit it - your rescue dogs are debarked because you you cannot win a ribbon with them, they are stuck in the yard and don't get the attention and time they need. ************** I don't buy the dog can't learn. When I hear someone spent thousands on a trainer - I have to ask - what was the trainer trying to accomplish. BEcause if you put my dogs outside in a yard all day alone - they WILL bark. No trainer could train my dogs not to - its like making the earth flat. The difference between me -and presumably that person - is I don't expect a dog to NOT be a dog. .
Dogs have a range of vocalizations - mine have happy bark (we are going out!), prey bark (there's a wabbit!), warning bark (someones lurking in the yard), etc etc. Its cruel and unnecessary to silence them.
******* Apparently its now a criminal offense in some places (see link below)
http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2010/10/21/outlawing-pet-devocalization-and-pet-debarking.aspx And quote: it is not individual dog owners who want their pets devocalized.
It is dog breeders, sled dog racers, show dog exhibitors and people who collect dogs for profit or hobby. Coalition volunteers have been involved with hundreds of devocalized dogs and cats, and all but a handful of the procedures were arranged by breeders. One animal was devocalized at the request of a hoarder. (unquote)
I have no problem with debarking, especially if it's going to keep a dog in its home.
BTW, you are aware that dogs do not have vocal chordes. They have vocal flaps. Under anesthesia, a veterinarian simply puts a nick int he flap, which lower the tone of the bark. It does not eliminate the bark completely and within a few days the dog can bark again, just a lower pitch.
Heck spay/neuter is a much more invasive surgery.
Sorry, I don't bother reading yoru article, it's slanted POV without facts to support it.
Some dogs love the sound of their own voice and no matter how much training you do, they will still bark. So, is it better for these dogs to be removed from their family and placed at a shelter where they WILL be euthanized, rather than having a simple surgery under aesthesia that will keep them in their home.
To me, it's simple. Surgery and the dog stays in the home.
edit: the last dog I had was debarked by its original owner. You could still hear it bark from behind the door. It did not affect her life in anyway or her ability to communicate.