Baseball vs. Lacrosse (OPINIONS?)?

I live in Iowa and baseball is my favorite sport and hardly anyone around where I live knows what the hell lacrosse is. I used to live in Florida and I recall seeing a game somewhere down there a while back. I know what it is and everything but it seems that lacrosse players and baseball players absolutely hate each other for some reason. It's kind of like the basketball vs wrestling rivalry but I don't understand it. They are two completely different sports, the only thing comparable between them is hand eye. I can't help but stick up for my sport in this one. Lacrosse guys say that no athletic people play baseball (very untrue) look at guys like Matt Kemp, David Wright or Joe Mauer. You have to be athletic to pitch a ball at 90+ mph. Another popular one I see is guys saying baseball players are pussy for not playing in rainstorms. The game cannot be played when it is like hat. Lacrosse is played on grass, baseball has dirt which turns to mud. Play a lacrosse game on dirt when it's raining, you couldn't do it. There are so many more arrogant points that lacrosse players make onwards baseball players but most sent even worth mentioning. I respect lacrosse greatly, I'm sure it's very hard to play but Jesus get per the act that baseball has about 100 times more fans than lacrosse does.


Favorite Answer

You're always going to get some chucklehead hating on your sport for no reason. You just have to ignore them and continue loving baseball.


lacrosse is very fast. in both sports, you get to hit thinks with a stick. i prefer lacrosse though because, as you said, it is a more fast-paced sport. i actually used to play lax but, since i got into high school, i chose golf so i still could play something when im retired and im not sitting around. baseball i do like the fact that you can hit balls with a bat. thats always a good time!


Lacrosse used to be a sport confined to the elite east coast prep schools. The dirty unwashed poor and middle class could not afford to play it. Sadly that attitude prevails.

Baseball on the other hand is open to everyone. People from all sorts of means go on to great success.