If the guy from Denny's?

makes good his threat to fire people and start charging people a 5% sur-charge because they voted for Obama, how many would pull a nation wide boycott of Denny's. I know I will and let's show this guy where it hurt's his pocket book


It's not about the 5% it's about who holds all the power big business or the middle class. We are so divided in the long run we have been losing. Let's see what a Tea Party/Republican Congress does.


By the way before there even was a Obama care many business couldn't afford the cost of insuring the employees. I left the work force in 2001 and even then the cost was restrictive.

filosofo tacio2012-11-16T00:22:42Z

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if I ordered lunch that cost $10 I'm good paying the extra 50 cents. I'll even give them 75 cents so the busboy could get coverage in case he grabs a knife wrong.


I will not eat at Dennys.

Penny Lane2012-11-16T00:29:23Z

Oh grow up. You can get a plate of 12 eggs, 9 pancakes and 34 sausage links at Dennys for like 3 bucks. You REALLY going to ***** about paying an extra 50 cents for the server to get some cancer treatment?

What do you mean "who holds the power"? Businesses are run by private citizens. If we vote in laws which cost them profit, they will increase in price. Obama likes to pretend that wont happen because its easier for him to hand out money and then demonize the people who gave him that money for raising prices to make up for it.

re: "By the way before there even was a Obama care many business couldn't afford the cost of insuring the employees." YES. EXACTLY. Even before Obama jacked it up higher for employers they were already unable to meet the need. Now its worse for them and you're all pissy that he's saying he simply cant afford to sell cheapass food AND pay for their insurance. What do you think boycotting will do? Put more money in his pocket so he CAN all of a sudden afford it??

This is problem with you liberal types. You want all benefits you can dream of, and you simply expect business owners and people with more money than you to keep on paying for it and do so without adjusting their prices or ability to keep employees on. The reason they are successful in business is because they know that when one thing becomes too expensive, you have to cut back somewhere else or let it go. You cant keep billing them for these massively expensive programs and then be incensed when they say, ok either the prices are going up or people are being let go.


Next time read the article. I thas nothing to do with voting for Obama-it's because of the insurance he will be required to supply his staff who work over 30 hours a week under Obamacare.
He can do as he plans or close the restaurants he owns and put all those people out of work entirely.


LOL. This guy would be facing a class action in defamation quicker than he can make a burger.

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