Why do you do the things you do?



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Most of what I do is result of Conditioning. The environment I grew up in pulls and pushes me in certain direction.

Sometimes, I may surprise myself into doing something unusual. Really don't know where the urge comes from...it's definitely from the outside...cancelling all the debates my 'known' self may be having at that particular point in time.

Is that my own unconscious mind? Or, is that some other force propelling, compelling, me?

I don't have the answer!



creative impulse;
the things I do fullfill my pleasure, purpose, accomplishment, and identity.
being is a type of doing.
also, training is everything; so everything I do adds to my abilities.


I am doing and being on many levels for reasons newly unfolding within the moment of my doing;
I'm making fire during that moment.
sometimes I won't know until tomorrow why I did what I did today and I'll make fire then.


On introspection, I find that there are three key distinct drivers for my thoughts and actions..... perceived self-interest, ego and cherished values..... when driven by self-interest (which of course includes the survival instinct), I am the ordinary usual guy as this is the most prevalent and normal driver..... when driven by ego, it makes me follow perceived self-image rather than real well being of self; this is the second most common factor driving my thoughts and actions and more often than not generates stronger emotions..... when driven by cherished values, which is not so very rare, I am the guy I truly want to be reflecting what I believe myself to be in the true sense and therefore these are the thoughts and actions that produce self-esteem and genuine satisfaction and minimize apprehensions and feeling of insecurity. I think all of us need to work for enhancing this last kind of activities in order for maximizing our happiness quotient.


60% Mostly, so that I can rest in secure contentment in knowing that I have used my life well.
Why do I want this?
To attain secure contentment.
Why do I want secure contentment?
75% To avoid anxiety & despair. 25% Also to enjoy secure contentment.
Why do I want to avoid despar?
I don't like how it makes me feel. : (
Why don't I like how it makes me feel?
. . . Because I don't yet have capacity to embrace anxiety & despair. : o
Why don't I have capacity for despair?
Because I never knew that I needed to.
I suppose I am controled by the things I cannot yet embrace. : o

Shitt. . .


Basically because I want to...

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