A Dream Involving a Private Marriage Ceremony at the End?

This is how it went, the story involves two protagonists that eventually reunite with each other in marriage. The heroine is a young noblewoman with thick, wavy, long blonde hair, very fair skin, and gray translucent-like eyes--I would call her a pure ingenue. I also assume that she's an heiress that would eventually inherit the expansive family estate where the dream takes place. The male protagonist is a handsome young man who is one of the many servants that maintain the estate's grandeur.

I didn't remember seeing much of the mansion itself, I only remember emerald green courtyards that would stretch forever and the catacombs or burial grounds comparable in size to the courtyards just above.

There was a plot in the dream where people of the estate, both servants and noblemen were disappearing one by one without a trace. I believe they've been kidnapped down beneath the burial grounds, I interpret this that they aren't given much focus. The two heroes team up with each other to find out what's going on, and the main goal is to escape. At one point, they emerged from the burial grounds through one of the many secret passages behind a row of giant garden bushes. I took the POV of the young woman at that point in time, and saw a servant following the two of us and then pulled back into the burial grounds with a strong, thick-fingered hand. I assumed the two of them went back down there to save this person, however the dream "skipped" ahead to a pretty dramatic wedding ceremony with just the two of them deep within the burial grounds in a room.

How the ceremony took place was that the woman was wearing a medieval-style gown in the colors of shimmering black and silver along with accents in the colors of mauve and gold. She was also wearing a golden headband as her wedding crown. She was atop an ivory platform with just a few steps leading to where she was and that she was also in between two tall white columns. The young man looked the same, except he pulled down his hat and was starstruck by just seeing her.
As he steps forward, she sways her right arm in a sweeping motion. Then the empty black space in between the two columns is filled with a flowing, deep blue curtain that ripples throughout and circles itself counterclockwise until both ends of this fabric touched--this was when they were about to be married/reunited, at least this is how I perceived it.

Prior to this dream, I had two dreams within months of each other that involved one woman dying in my bed and in the next few months a man/tree or wood spirit (perhaps inside of him) died in a room that I'm currently sharing with my younger brother. It wasn't literally his room, it was just similar in appearance to his bedroom.


The last scene involving where the marriage ceremony took place reminds me of the imagery of a Court or one of the important symbolic cards of the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck, The High Priestess, I just had the idea about it just now. I'm wondering if the essence of this card has some regards to this dream's symbolic meaning. I recall a few years back that I red a few passages involving the interpretation of this card and its relations to history that inspired its creation. That the high priestess herself is a sacred guardian to some secret knowledge, and that certain requirements must be met to pass through the columns that serve borders to the threshold beyond. But even now I don't really understand the card or remember much of it.


I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with a prior life, I'm very sure about that. I'm to young too be part of an enterprise, and I don't have the knack for tarot cards, only the on-and-off fascination of it. I was looking for an interpretation based on alot of the overt symbolism of the dream synonymous to what's developing in my subconscious, but whatever.

isis's brother2012-11-20T20:22:17Z

Favorite Answer

At first thought you might be getting flashbacks to a
prior life. I still do not rule that out but your bring in your interest in
tarot card symbology now makes me think it has something
to do with imagination rather than history. All the pageantry
and pomp of the wedding has something to do with you joining in a
new alliance or enterprise that seems beneficial to you.
Maybe you will be a Tarot reader in which case dreams
can bring you many answers also