crf450r vs yz450f...?
which one would you say would be better for dune riding or does it not matter? trail riding as well but mostly dune. & im getting a used one not a brand new one.
which one would you say would be better for dune riding or does it not matter? trail riding as well but mostly dune. & im getting a used one not a brand new one.
Favorite Answer
they are very similar bikes, but depending on the year they can be vastly different. i use a 2004 yz450f for dune riding, just because its a torque monster but if your going to go newer i would go crf450. they are very nice bikes for both events. while i ride my yz on trails its not the easiest thing considering its a four speed and idles at 13 mph. i would recommend a yz for dunes but crf for all around, and because the bikes eye appeal is great.