Can somebody list these plants in order of sun requirements please?

Dutch Iris
Grape hyacith (muscari americanum)


Favorite Answer

none of these can be graded they all have the same requirement, because of their flowering period they require daylight but not full sun, it is more important how you treat them AFTER flowering as that is when they build for next year


I agree with first answer, Dutch iris require full sun, the other will tolerate some shade. To get particular:
Crocus need 6 hours sun, the rest can be light shade
Daffs like full fun but will take semi sun/semi shade, not full shade of course
Muscari pefer full but will tolerate some partial shade.

Exactly how to arrange that mish-mash is up to your. and others there too.


daffodils: full sun half the day
Durch iris and crocus: partial shade to full sun
grape hyacinth: full sun all day

glenn t2012-11-19T20:49:31Z

d iris,crocus,g hyacinth,daffodil


Dutch Iris - Full sun

The others can take some shade.