Why do Christians think that freedom of speech, only applies to them?



Sorry, Richard. I in no way mean all Christians. But the fact is, None of this would have happened if Christians played nice in the first place.


They wern't mocking. Just a diffrence of opinion. The atheist desplay was vandalized. Why should chrition be allowed if atheist are not. Freedom of speech is not I can say what i want but if i dont agree with what you say' you cant say it. Each side had a sign. That was fair. But being fair wasnt gvod enough for the Christians.


Favorite Answer

US fundies tend to have massively overblown feelings of entitlement.


So, Christians are forbidden from promoting their own faith, whilst atheists are allowed to set up posters explicitly mocking Christianity. And you interpret this as a fair state of affairs? How dare Christians fight for their rights to equality of freedom of expression. Is this really how you interpret the concept of free speech?

Perhaps you think the proper state of affairs is that Christians be denied their freedoms; demonstrating a pretty severe case of confirmation bias.


Why do you think Christians are all of one mind?
Generalization = stereotyping = bigotry

Who ever plays "nice"? There seems to be a pattern to oppression. A group is oppressed. If it survives and becomes dominant, it becomes the oppressor. No lessons are learned from its own oppression (long term, anyway). Just do unto others as they have done to you. It is probably the most destructive aspect of human behavior.


Brainwashing delussion and more brainwashing!!!