What are the eariliest blooming daffodil varieties (to use in a lawn)?

I want to naturalize some in the lawn, along with star flower and grape hyacinth, but I want them to be finished blooming about a month before the grass starts growing so that I can mow them without killing the plants.
also, varieties with thin leaves would be preferred so that they would not stand out as much while the leaves are dying back


Favorite Answer

The little miniature tete-a-tete will bloom the earliest.

But here's another thought - even though they finish blooming early, mowing will cut their leaves by half. The start flower and grape hyacinths are so short, mowing will merely give them a little haircut, and they won't mind. It's possible that with the mini narcissus, that you'll be cutting off enough of the leaves that they won't be able to gather enough energy to flower the next year.

Give it a try, but if they don't bloom well (or at all) the second year, the mowing is why, and you should stick with flowering bulbs that stay short enough to not mind the mowing after they're done blooming.


Agree with science guy about mowing. It will be a one time bloom as you'll be mowing off the leaves thus preventing the bulbs from regenerating....no naturalizing Muscari, grape hyacinth--would be a better choice, but you'll have to plant hundreds to get any effect.

If you had a meadow, then fine, naturalize the daffodils as you won't be mowing.

Plant daffodils with daylilies in the garden. The daff foliage blends nicely with the daylily foliage and the yellowing daff leaves are easily removed without causing obvious yellow areas in the garden. I agree, daffs/narcissus and grape hyacinth are wonderful combination.


no longer daffodils yet i spotted some daisy's in my lower back backyard the former day and my mountain climbing rose continues to be flowering, the squirrels and hedgehogs have not long previous into hibernations the two, the seasons are all screwed up besides the undeniable fact that this is attractive. xx



It depends how early you want them.
Christmas time/ early january
Rijnveld's Early Sensation - may be too late for these

End of february/march
February Gold

spell binder

Hope this helped you decide! They will proberly look wonderful amongst grass!