Need help finding notes.....................................?

Can somebody give me the ocarina or kazoo tablature for "Solfegietto" by Carl Phillips and Emmanuel Bach?

I'm desperate -- I need it for juries next month.

10 points for best answer!!


To Mr. JohnnyCB:

You are a bit behind on the new technology, sir. I am referring to the new double ocarina that features a two-octave extension activated by a pinkie key. This obviates the need for overblowing -- an obvious oversight of the original designers. As for the kazoo, perhaps you are unfamiliar with the new digital models with the new pitch-correction feature and ring modulators, allowing the player to sound an octave lower or higher by dilatation of the left or right nostril. This is the 21st, century, after all.


Further comment:
To All:
The responses to my question are much appreciated. So many wonderful anecdotes and pieces of advice. I cannot possibly pick a best answer, so I will leave it up to the democratic process so wisely included by the fine developers at Y!A.


Favorite Answer

It is amazing Mr. Glinzek that you should mention both these instruments in the same post. I am at this very moment working on a piece for 2 ocarinas, 2 kazoos and choir. As soon as I finish the piece I shall forward my copies of the fingering charts for these wonderful instruments. The piece is to be titled "The Ocarina and Kazoo Chorale" or "The O.K. Chorale" for short.



Welcome to the classical music section (Emmanuel Bach's dad, Wolfie Mozart and Beetroot Louis). I think you should be posting your question in 'Beauty and Style' > 'Fashion and Accessories' or perhaps 'Food & Drink' > 'Cooking & Recipes'. or perhaps another completely irrelevant category altogether. I suspect that you have been given this task as part of an assignment on meaningless things to do with pointless instruments. You really should work this out for yourself or you will never become the Kazoomeister you aspire to. As for your ocarina, best to convert it into a small submarine for your pet scorpion (I know you like those!).

So, you need to do your own homework, young man!

Neither the kazoo nor the ocarina are easy instruments to learn. Even with proper tuition it takes several decades of dedicated work to accomplish even the most basic aurally irritating standard. When you think about it for a few hours, playing the ocarina is not exactly something the human body was designed to do. Therefore, if you are not properly taught, you will have faulty technique which will ALWAYS prevent you progressing beyond a certain level. In addition, you run the risk of muscle and ligament strain through this faulty technique - especially in that overused pinkie. You might even incur a case of RSI (repetitive strain injury) in that finger, which could prevent you holding your kazoo properly, as well as impacting on many other aspects of your life.

Get a teacher - there really is no other way.

Bearcat!! Where have you been all these years?


This is such a GOOD JOKE, I hope the humor is not being lost for those unfamiliar with the piece and the instruments mentioned. Of course, the sure way to extinguish anyone's amusement is by trying to explain a joke. So, foolish endeavor it may be, but here goes.

The piece is a hellish technical exercise with a very wide compass. Appreciate it here:

Now, the ocarina is a gourd-like fipple flute incapable of overblowing and limited to a compass of an octave and a fourth. It looks like this:

So, even if you found the piece in "tablature" (a graphic form of notation for non-readers of standard sheet music), it would remain unplayable on any ocarina owing to range limitations.

As for the kazoo, it is a buzzing device activated by a human voice. It has the sound of humming against a comb held against stiff tissue or wax paper. It looks like this:

Tablature for the kazoo does not exist. After all, what would a picture show? Further, only a freak voice could render the pitch range of the cited piece.

So, now that the humor is explained, I hope some of it is still funny.

Good cheer to all!


My sincerest apology to all. I did not realize I breached a private chat room. Clearly, this erudite and amicable assembly requires no musicological exegeses from me. However, I gratefully acknowledge being now apprised of recent refinements in O/K technologies. Actually, during my wanton youth, I became a virtuoso (though a modest one) on the sopranino ocarina (high G). I often played it nasally, save for flu season. Then [I dreadfully recall] one day I started playing dans la bouche, only to discover my roommate recently played it anally. In fact, he had vainly attempted to overblow. That was the day I lost my taste for the instrument. Kindest regards.

petr b2012-11-23T06:06:08Z

Even when you are asking a question I learn so much from you.

I never knew that Carl Phillips and Emmanuel Bach collaborated on anything!

I know that B A C H is the German spelling for B-flat, A, C, B-natural, but don't know the German equivalent spellings enough to help here.

I have heard that the theme notes of Sofegietto spell out,
"Papa wasn't that great a comper we are much better."

Some of those letter equivalents may be more subtly hidden in the bass, but most are found in the treble. I do not recall if they are straightforward, scrambled, or in palindromic form.

Hope this helps :-)

P.s. Bearcat! Nice to see you here, even nicer to know you are still comping. I await the premiere of the O.K. Chorale... certainly I and some other colleagues will be wanting to nominate it for the Pulitzer Prize.


Guffaw! Ooo, you are wicked, Glinzek, but you know I like it... :-))

Plain out of kazoo tablatures: if only you'd stepped in this morning... (Meanwhile the usual buff envelope with readies will suffice -- points to charity of course, as per usual)

All the very best indeed, ;-)

@JohnnyCB -- Glinzek is kinda shy about this, but he hoards reams of ditties for nose flute in cuneiform script. Could you help coaxing him to be public spirited enough not to keep on sitting on them? His mofher's worried about the seat of his pants, and she's a lady not to be messed with.

@ Glinzek -- credit where credit's due: your careful précis of digital kazoo-ness was as moving as it was impenetrable, the way your innate expertise shakes us always to our core and leaves us perfectly unchanged as before. That, indeed, is a rare talent , Sir, and, short of our untrammeled worship, it is yours, all yours, to cherish -- in perpetuity. Priceless and beyond compare. How priviledged are we to have kissed the hem of your robe, as we do, devoted, whenever you deign to grace us with your presence, we undeserving underlings and serfs not kazooed. We can but bend the knee and remain prostrate as you pass, god-like, among us. The very privilege chokes me at the mere thought.. (Are you, for reasons of health & safety alone, going to shout 'stop mucking about you two' or shall I?)

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