Dachshund owners tell me what you love about your dog?

I have had dachshunds for over 15 years. I live with three of them. I adore all dogs, but dachshunds are awesome. They are loyal, comical, loving, independent, intelligent , sweet and loud.

rescue member2012-11-25T11:34:48Z

Favorite Answer

I love my dachshunds for all the reasons you list, plus for their fearless natures. I have had 7 of my own and foster more, have 4 left now. A well adjusted dachsie is absolutely fearless, even my smallest, an 8 lb. mini longhair, will bark at, fluff herself up, and challenge a pitbull if she sees one, have to literally save her from herself at times.
Dachsies are huge dogs in small bodies, amazing little hunters, very prey driven - you have to keep them on leash or securely fenced or they'll go after anything that runs or that they can track.

With all that, they are loyal, loving, affectionate - doesn't get getter than a dachsie - a real dog in a small package.

The History Boy2012-11-25T19:23:40Z

My dog, Lola who is a dachshund is every sweet and entergetic. She loves people.

Kayden Gill2012-11-25T19:26:44Z

i love how mine sits on his bum with his front paws in the air to beg