According to the teachings of Jehvoah's Witnesses, what type of active force is the Holy Spirit?

Trinitarian Christians believe the Holy Spirit is God.
Jehovah's Witnesses teach that the father God is the Almighty God , Jesus is the Mighty God and the Holy Spirit is active force of God likened to electricity, or am I wrong about their teaching?


Favorite Answer

Nowhere in the scriptures you find that the holy spirit is a person.

Please follow this link for an article with scriptural references


You pretty much have the way the "Bible" outlines it and that is WHY Jehovah's Witnesses believe that to be so.

Now, I ask you, can you define Trinitarian teachings? I doubt that you can satisfactorily..not that it is your fault but because I have heard it explained in numerous ways, and none of them made sense at all! In fact, I have heard the "Oneness" people sound exactly like their description is according to what JW's believe and then at the end, say, therefore, God is One though there are three!

I believe I have seen you on here for a while so I am sure you have had many a discussion. I do hope though that you will look at this article and really think about it.

Understanding Jesus is the start.

Jesus Christ
How Does God's Spirit Operate Today?

Poopyface McGee2012-11-25T20:15:36Z

Yes Arian cultists think that the Holy Spirit is like a non-sentient extension of God's will... Sure.

Oh you don't like the label Arian cultist? Well, Christians don't like the label trinitarian necessarily either. But it is what you are. You follow the teachings of Arius, a heretical cult leader who's teaching were revived a hundred years ago by a bunch of ignorant students of the Bible who also believed that God was an alien, pyramids were holy sites, and in free masonry.

Jehovah's Witnesses claim to have moved past such things, but still are eschatology nuts who think the end is near - they've even made false prophecies to that effect. Guess the end isn't as near as they all hoped. You probably will spend the rest of your natural lives on this world, so quit hoping that the rest of us will just fall over and die.


In the Awake magazine of December 8, 1973, the Watchtower Society said concerning Satan, "Can an unintelligent ‘force’ carry on a conversation with a person? Also, the Bible calls Satan a manslayer, a liar, a father (in a spiritual sense) and a ruler. (John 8:44; 14:30) Only an intelligent person could fit all those descriptions. Therefore, M’Clintock and Strong’s Cyclopædia states: “All the forms of personal agency are made use of by the sacred writers in setting forth the character and conduct of Satan. . . . Every quality, every action, which can indicate personality, is attributed to him in language which cannot be explained away.”

Yet the WTS ignores the following (and other) verses in labeling the Holy Spirit an unintelligent force:

Acts 8:29: Then the Spirit said to Philip, "Go up and join this chariot."

Acts 10:19-20: While Peter was reflecting on the vision, the Spirit said to him, "Behold, three men are looking for you. But get up, go downstairs and accompany them without misgivings, for I have sent them Myself."

Acts 11:12: "The Spirit told me to go with them without misgivings. These six brethren also went with me and we entered the man's house."

Acts 13:2: While they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them."

They also ignore the fact that the Holy Spirit displays the following aspects of personality. He:

adopts - Rom 8:15
appoints - Acts 20:28
bears witness - Jn 15:26 Heb 10:15 1Jn 5:6
bears witness with - Rom 8:16; 2:15; 9:1
comforts - Acts 9:31; 2Cor 1:3
declares - Jn 16:13-15
did many other things - Jn 16:12-13
did not permit - Acts 16:7 (cf. Acts 14:16)
dispatches - Acts 10:20
divinely reveals - Lk 2:26
dwells within - Jn 14:17 Rom 8:9-11
forbids - Acts 16:6
(gives) life - Jn 6:63 2Cor 3:6
gives (ability) - 1Cor 12:7-11
gives - Acts 2:4
glorifies another - Jn 16:13-14
guides - Jn 16:13
hears - Jn 16:13
helps - Rom 8:26
instructs - Neh 9:20
leads - Acts 4:1
longs (yearns) - Jas 4:5
loves - Rom 15:30
makes it plain - Heb 9:8; 1Pet 1:11
makes us new - Tit 3:5
pleads - Rom 8:26-27
possesses power - Rom 15:19
raised Christ - Rom 8:11
receives - Jn 16:14,15
remains - Jn 14:17
reminds - Jn 14:26
reproves - Jn 16:8
reveals - 1Cor 2:10
sanctifies us - 2Thess 2:13
searches - 1Cor 2:10
sends - Acts 13:4
shares - 2Cor 13:14
signifies - Acts 11:28
snatches away - Acts 8:39
speaks (directly) - Acts 8:29 10:19 11:12 13:2 (cf.19:15)
speaks aptly - Acts 28:25
speaks skillfully - 1Tim 4:1
teaches - Luke 12:12
testifies - Rom 8:16
thinks - Acts 15:28
thoroughly witnesses - Acts 20:23
thrusts out - Mk 1:12
wills - 1Cor 12:11
witnesses - Acts 5:32

(can be) grieved - Eph 4:30
(can be) insulted - Heb 10:29
(can be) known - Jn 14:17
(can be) lied to - Acts 5:3-4
(can be) received - John 14:17; ICor 2:12
(can be) resisted - Acts 7:51
(can be) spoken against - Mt 12:31,32 Mk 3:29 Lk12:10
(can be) tested - Acts 5:9

Quoting from the WTS' authority on Satan, M’Clintock and Strong’s Cyclopædia says concerning the Holy Spirit:

"The personality of the Holy Ghost is shown by the actions ascribed to him. He hears and speaks (Joh 16:13; Act 10:19; Act 13:2, etc.). He wills and acts on his decision (1Co 12:11). He chooses and directs a certain course of action (Act 15:28). He knows (1Co 2:11). He teaches (Joh 14:26). He intercedes (Rom 8:26). The texts 1Th 3:12-13, and 2Th 3:5, are quoted against those who confound the three persons of the Godhead." (under the heading "Spirit (or Ghost), Holy")

The Cyclopædia also says, "The divinity of the Holy Ghost is proved by the fact that he is called God. (Comp. 1Sa 16:13 with 1Sa 18:12; Act 5:3 with 5:4; 2Co 3:17 with Exo 34:34; Act 28:25 with Isa 6:8; Mat 12:28 with Luk 11:20; 1Co 3:16 with 1Co 6:19.) The attributes of God are ascribed to him. He creates, works miracles, inspires prophets, is the Source of holiness (see above), is everlasting (Heb 9:14), omnipresent, and omniscient (Psa 139:7; and 1Co 2:10)" under the same heading.


"Those who make up the one true Christian organization today do not have angelic revelations or divine inspiration. But they do have the inspired Holy Scriptures, which contain revelations of God's thinking and will." Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom (1993) p.708

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