Where can I cash a check?

I want to cash a personal check I got a few months ago for $100. I don't have a bank account and don't wish to make one. I also don't care if there is a fee. Anything under 10% is fine. I am underage and don't have government issued ID. Would I be able to go to, say Key Bank, and cash it? I would prefer not to use people with accounts to cash it.


1. A few is about 7 or 8 in biblical terms
That check is null and void if older than 6 months.

2. The person that wrote you that check may think that you forgot about it.
They may have closed the account or not have the funds in the account.
You need to contact them !

You cannot cash this check on your own. There is no way.
Could you give it to your mom to deposit in her checking account?
She would give you the cash in return.

And if this is a relative that sent you this "nasty gift".
Make sure that they know to send a gift card next time.
It's usually a grandma that sends a kid a check that they cannot cash.
^ maybe they don't think straight.


You almost ALWAYS need a government issued photo ID in order to chash any check, and sometimes need a second form of ID as well if you're not cashing at your own bank. Personal.checks may be cashed at the bank the check is drawn from.


Without a govt id - driver's license, passport, NO ONE will cash a check.


Take it to a customer service at a grocery store walmart also


try the bank lol