whats wrong with my dog?

He's a 5 year old lab and looks and acts like a healthy dog 99% of the time but over the last few months he has started randomly gagging as if he has something stuck in his throat. It doesn't just happen after he's eaten so i know that he's not choking on his food. Sometimes it happens when he hasn't even eaten that day and just now he woke up beside me gagging.

He never vomits but it always scares me because it looks like he's choking. I've already examined his throat several times so i doubt there is any food stuck in his throat.. plus this has been going on for months now.

can anyone tell me what is wrong?


My dog does that too. But when you think about it, you know how we need to clear our throats sometimes? We never vomit lol. Unless he just has like a piece of hair or something back there lol. But he may have swallowed something. My dog always steal crayons and eats them. or he'll chew on the little plastic toy guys. and he'll chew their arms up and eat them and he starts coughing like that. But he usually turns out fine and just poops it out. Hopefully he'll be fine! But if he looks like he is in pain, take him to the vet to see if there is anything there.

Country Gal To The Bone.2012-11-26T06:36:14Z

We are not vets(well not all of us). We can't , see your dog. But, a V E T can! So, what does that mean? It means get in your van/truck/car and drive you and your dog to a vet.

Sandra V2012-11-26T06:44:22Z

take your dog to the vet it maybe something very serious your dog could have worms or probably ate something he wasnt suppose to :(


really ? going on for months ? why have you not taken your dog to your vet ?


best thing to do is go to a vets

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