Mormons: coffee-flavored lip balm... ok or not?


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We're only told to abstain from coffee, so this would be something for individuals to determine on their own.

We are often counseled to avoid doing things that might give the impression that we were participating in some kind of activity that is considered a sin in our religion, that might cause people who are hyper critical of our religion to pass judgement on us, or that might make us vulnerable to being tempted to do something we shouldn't. So based on those reasons, I think a lot of members of the LDS Church would feel uncomfortable with it. But coffee-flavored lip balm wouldn't be considered a sin by most members of the LDS Church.


Coffee Flavored Lip Balm


I was told that the flavor of coffee cannot be artificially duplicated and that everything that is flavored to taste like coffee actually has the chemicals that it contains. Such as coffee-flavored candy or ice cream.

We are told in the scriptures that "hot drinks" are not to be taken, meaning, coffee and tea.

Since coffee-flavored ice cream and candy are not hot drinks, I guess it would be up to the individual to decide if he wants to eat them or not. My husband occasionally drinks that very expensive cold mostly-milk mocha gross stuff and I tell him that he shouldn't (and he ignores me, of course.)

Myself, I love coffee and anything flavored like it is a temptation to me. I bought some cookies that were cappuccino flavored (I didn't notice the label) and I felt that I had to throw them away. I have a personal conviction that I won't do the coffee thing anymore--it's between me and God.

I do have "latte" lip gloss from Bath and Body Works, it's my favorite but that doesn't tempt me. It's just lip gloss.


Behold, verily I say unto thee: iced coffee or iced tea are fine. Howbeit, hot chocolate is forbidden. Verily hot drinks are sin, and they will cause the "destroying angel" no not pass over you.

Howbeit Coffee flavored lip balm will not cause any issues whatsoever. It is neither hot, nor yet is it a drink, but it is something that you put outside of the body . . .

Contrawise, Jesus said that nothing that goes into the body can make the body unclean, only that which comes out of the body.

As a postscript note, Ammon is a troll.


As long as it doesn't actually have coffee in it. There is no problem with it. The only reason I would ever think it was a bad idea is if it makes you want to drink coffee.

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