Star trek transporter. e=mc^2 is the point of exit, what is the formula for the point of return?

The formula for the reconstruction of matter, is simply the reverse order of the formula "e=mc^2". So mathematicians, what is the formula please. (M=????...)?


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Mathematitians? This is middle school algebra at best.

e = mc^2 divide through by c^2

e/c^2 = m

Hope this helps.

If you were thinking of constructing any form of matter/energy converter such as a transporter or replicator or holodeck you must take into account that you will need to store and convert ridiculous amounts of energy to create matter. Of course that's ignoring the fact that we don't know how to do that.


Well, simple algebra would suggest that the answer you're looking for is m = e / (c^2).

I don't know what that has to do with the transporter on Star Trek, though, because that is a completely fictional technology that is probably physically impossible in the real world.

Don Blakemore2012-11-27T11:47:42Z

The formula for return transporter effects was originally to film through a swirling glass of water.


Sorry I don't get it