Will Jon Gruden become the next coach at Tennessee?


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I don't see that happening.

Michael R2012-11-28T15:19:55Z

No.Tennessee is not one of the premier programs in the country,no matter how hard you try and convince yourself otherwise.They are a middle of the pack SEC team and Gruden has turned down better offers before.What would make him give up his job as an analyst to return to a team that is realistically light years behind their conference leaders?Becoming a minority stake owner in the Cleveland Browns as part of the deal?You think the NCAA is going to go for that?More importantly - you think the Cleveland Browns are going to go for that?Why wouldn't they just hire Gruden to coach the Browns?


If an NFL team on his short list doesn't offer him a job it is a possibility. He says he wants to return to coaching, but his analyst job is a sweet gig, so it would have to take the right deal. I don't think anything less than full control and a top salary will get it done.


None of us have any idea. It's probably a small chance, but it is possible. As a UT fan, I think it would be exciting and he could bring in some big recruits. I guess we'll see in the next couple weeks.


I highly doubt it.