how can anybody concentrate on what critical thinker says?

All I can do is stare at her rack.


yeah, I know, but she has a great rack.


oh fireball, really now. its funny. and the subliminal passive aggressive undertones are barely perceptible and go a long way in undermining the religious dogma and hypocrisy that she represents.


Favorite Answer

If you want to see more of her "rack," search Hitomi Tanaka, a Japanese porn model... cause that is who is in her picture. Highly doubt it is actually a female, as I don't think many females would choose that as their picture.


She's a troll, she changes her mind like the wind changes.
Pay no attention to her, she'll soon get fed up and go back to her toys.


eventually she'll catch on to how to ask a question without getting deleted. you can say some pretty rotten things and get away with it but you have to be sharp. she's not too sharp but there's always hope.