Peri-menopausal & Menopausal Women: How did you ladies get through it peacefully?

There are at least 35 documented PM & M symptoms & TONS of undocumented ones. That being said, what can a woman due to COMBAT some of the symptoms?

HRT is NOT an option! Please provide helpful tips; I. E. exercise, eating a nutritious diet, less salt & sugar, less stress, vitamins, etc.

This is an extremely debilitating time for women; yet it's the best kept secret!


Favorite Answer

Hi there I agree it can be a challenging time and here's what I've found out to help combat some symptoms:
1) Hormones: Get checked – get info about alternatives - if not HRT, perhaps bio-identical hormones, or acupuncture helps many women.
2) Avoid aggravators - like stress, heat, alcohol, spicy food, caffeine (coffee & tea, chocolate)
3) Food - cut out or cut down quantities of sugar, white flour products, caffeine, processed foods
4) Exercise - all weight bearing, yoga, pilates, walking, dancing, build up bone density
5) Increase Pleasure (including Sex!) - more self-care, body work (massage), orgasm; dancing
6) Rest and Time Alone - alleviates symptoms and reduces fatigue/adrenal exhaustion
7) Meditation - Benefits for menopause documented; shrinks brain amgdala (stress anxiety) , hippocampus (memory and concentration) enlarges
8) Find Female Community and share stories - oxytocin is released listening to other women’s stories & normalises our experience

I hope this helps and if you want more ideas - please get my Free Report at http:/
Kind regards
Maree Lipschitz :)