Dr. Who Themed White Elephant Gifts?
Doing a white elephant this year with our extended family. Most are major Dr. Who fans. So I thought it'd be fun if my gift incorporated Dr. Who. But I don't want to spend more than $5. Any ideas?
Doing a white elephant this year with our extended family. Most are major Dr. Who fans. So I thought it'd be fun if my gift incorporated Dr. Who. But I don't want to spend more than $5. Any ideas?
valentine disaster
Favorite Answer
Doctor Who Sticky Notes $5.99
Doctor Who Mini Figures $4.99
Doctor Who Dalek Kozie $5.00
Doctor Who bracelet $5.00
Doctor Who Christmas Ornaments (I think you could easily make these) $5.00
Character Figurine
You could also buy something that looks like a weeping angel...or a barbie or something as one of the mannequins.
That is what i'm doing for the gift exchange i am doing Friday: since it's a "white elephant" reward exchange i'm getting a plastic mannequin of an elephant from a craft or interest store and am going to paint it white. So as to add some usefulness i'm going to grasp some festive Christmas earrings from it's ears. The women will have to love it and if a guy will get it i'm certain he can find any individual to reward the earings to.
As an animal, or the expression? As an animal, it is an albino/partial albino elephant that is not white per se, but has pale parts/is the pink of untanned Caucasian skin. As an expression, it is something expensive and useless. In ancient IndoChina, such partly albino elephants were sacred, therefore had to be treated royally, but not put to any work. It is said the King of Siam accordingly gave such beasts to those he wished to ruin. You can bear this with a cat, a cow, a horse, maybe even a big cat..... but........
Adam S
Go to any decent sized comic book/fantasy store and they should have a bunch of Dr Who stuff. In your price range you probably couldn't get much more than maybe a miniature TARDIS or a mini-Dalek.
Ragabash Moon
Um, wellll is $7.99 close enough? If so, you can get a Doctor Who and Amy Pond coffee mug from Cafe Press
http://www.cafepress.com/doctorwho.731694862 They have lots of other stuff too, although most is $9.99 or more.