"No, you can't deny women their basic rights and pretend it's about your 'religious freedom'. If you don't like birth control, don't use it. Religious freedom doesn't mean you can force others to live by your own beliefs." - Barack Obama
What do you think about this quote?
@ Gamal Fúck you very much, Gamal. Fúck you.
Favorite Answer
As a French guy, I don't think it will be very helpful as long as the very peculiar interpretation of "freedom" in America remains what is is (religious freedom=freedom to oppress, freedom of speech= freedom to lie and insult), but for the time being I think it is the most sensible and polite reply to the religious hypocrites who pretend to ask candid questions.
In any case, it's a clear case of "ad hominem". The speaker (clearly) intends to generate emotional approval for his position by condemning the opposition for trying to achieve something that they are not trying to achieve, at the same time ignoring the issue under discussion (that issue being **requiring** members of certain religious institutions to act in a way that their religion considers just cause for automatic expulsion from that religion).
In other words: it's typical political double-talk, no matter who the speaker is.