I caught about 20 minutes of an episode last night then couldn't watch anymore. In one of the few scenes I saw, the prospective adoptive parents had taken custody of the baby they hoped to adopt. They also had an older son. The "birth" mother was considering "changing her mind" about placing her baby for adoption. The adoptive parents knew this. They called her and put her on the phone with their little boy, about 5 years old, and the little boy told her he loved his new sister, she was beautiful, etc. The "birth" mother, of course, is sobbing. That's where I had to turn it off. Can we say coersion? Wow! Anyone else see this show?
Jas, I put "birth" in parentheses because that's what they called her on the show.
I usually use the term biological mother - just my preference. I think it has the least connotation.
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Not only is it coercive but it is also cruel. (I haven't seen the program). It was cruel to do that to the mother and cruel to use a child as a weapon. The boy is too young to understand the situation as he can't comprehend how a mother feels when she is surrendering. The adoptive parents were wicked to use him to stop the mother changing her mind.
I have seen some shows though where this happens. I think it was 20/20 that once did a profile on 6 couples wanting to adopt. It was 2hr special. A few couples adopted yet the mother changed their mind. It was so hard to watch.
But what was also hard to watch was seeing a mom struggle with keeping or giving up her child. It broke my heart. You usually don't get to see the birth mother's side. My heart ached for her & she insisted on handing her son over to the adoptive parents.
I hope to adopt an older foster child one day. I have friends who have adopted and one friend was told they could adopt a 5yr old boy. They have been waiting for years & years. Sadly though the mother changed her mind. My friend handled it like champ but she was crushed. She finally now has her little one.
I know some people seem to think adoption is all thrills and joys getting your long awaited child but there is also heart ache. It's a roller coaster of emotions.
How about the fact that they were helping her make a decision. It doesn't all have to have bad intentions. I mean honestly, do we really know that the intent of the adoptive parents was coercion. It is not their fault that the mother has put herself in the situation of giving up her child. Nor is it their fault that they have to adopt a child, or just want to. They have just as many feelings as the mother does about the baby and wishing for a child to raise.
I don't jump to conclusions based on a 30 minute tv show that has been edited for drama and to get people worked up. Jas and Pip, oh how everyone is out to get adoptive mothers, aren't they? It is a conspiracy.
What do you think it is like for a person who has to go through adoption after adoption of a potential mother changing her mind. How hard is it for the couple that struggles for 20 years to adopt because they can't have kids? Anyone think of the other side or just the conspiracy?
ADOPTION should be about both parties. It should be a good fit for the child and the family they will enter. It should not solely be based on what the child needs. As the child doesn't always know what they need and is the child in the situation.
All of you are so biased and cannot see any other side, it is pathetic. Jas and PIP you are not the room moderators, so if you want to be go work for yahoo instead of wasting your time policing people. It is not up to you what the world does and only god can judge ultimately. So your pathetic attempts to attack people are a waste of everyone's time.
I watch it. I think thats the one shere the birth mother had a daughter as well as a son living with a family member. But the little so cute when he said he loved her. & came home to his new little sister. I love this show it can be sad but also really sweet seeing someone do something incredible for people who want children & giving theyre child a better life.
I CANT watch those sorts of shows.....too triggering. What the PAP's did was clearly coercive, anyone who says differently just proves themselves unsuitable to ever be considered for adoption in my opinion.
@On Fire: Tell it to someone who cares......I suffer from secondary infertility, in fact Ive had an hysterectomy........being infertile doesnt give you the right to demand someone else hand their child over to you. It doesnt give you the right to use emotional blackmail.
Adoption is SUPPOSED to be about meeting the needs of the CHILD. Its not supposed to be about selfish adults getting what they want.