Does legalized prostitution contribute to the GDP?

For states (and by that I mean nation states) that legalize and tax prostitution, is there a discernible contribution to the state's GDP? Also, what are some examples of states where legalized prostitution contributes significantly to the government treasury?


Favorite Answer

Yes, but it will be only up and down.

Spotty J2012-12-06T03:54:16Z

If legalized, then yes it contributes to GDP, just as any other non-black market commerce does. Whether it's a big enough amount of commerce to be "discernible" I don't know, depends on what you mean by discernible.

Legalized prostitution would contribute tax revenue to Nevada and to The Netherlands, as two examples. There's you a head start, you can look up the details yourself. (Just don't get caught looking it up heh.)

(Wow, good one Anjaree.)