Why did they change Yahoo Answers so that old question pop up first when you go into the program?

It used to be that you'd get questions asked just seconds ago. Now it defaults to day old or two day old questions. It doesn't seem to be working right?!

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2012-12-06T11:58:11Z

Favorite Answer

Check the TOP of the list of questions. Either you have your option set to something OTHER than "Newest" - or you are getting the "Recommended" tab coming up and not the OPEN tab. If the first case, just change your setting. If the 2nd case, sign out, clear your cache files and restart your computer. For most folks, this gets rid of the "Recommended" tab, which is being tested randomly.


NO, it's a NEW feature. Just click on "Browse Categories" and it goes away.



They didn't. you just unknowingly clicked on oldest - click on NEWEST