holographic video games?

I personally would not like this. I rather video games as they are, sure they will advance in graphics and such which is not bad but holographic? nah...doesn't appeal to me. Sure some of its futures would be cool but it just wouldn't be the same. I'm into game desgin and I wouldn't like this to be the future of gaming, maybe some games could be holographic and others not or maybe it can be a "turn on and off" feature a console has. Idk.

What are your opinions on this? do you think it can happen? would you like it?


Favorite Answer

I doubt it will ever happen. Holograms are very complicated to make.
Virtual reality is starting to come through though. There is a new goggle called the Oculus Rift, that is around $300. Developers have already backed it and are incorporating it into some of their games. It looks awesome to me. Here is their site: http://www.oculusvr.com/
Check it out. Again, as for holographic games, I doubt we will ever see them, or even a holographic movie.

Spicy Pancakes2012-12-22T15:54:20Z

I feel like Nintendo will take full advantage of any kind of new technology. They took advantage of movement based videos games such as the Wii and would probably pounce at the oppurtunity.

I like the way things are now too. Jumps in graphics are good but DONT TAKE AWAY MAH CONTROLLER!!!