Is it legal to build your own military style tank?

I'm not really sure about how I should word my question. You see I have access to the lower half of a bulldozer. I know tanks use the same parts but they are slightly different. So my thoughs are is building a WW2 style US tank. I have the engine that the US military used. (chevy 216 also used in the chevy cars and trucks untill 1954) my thoughts are to save the tracks and build everything from scratch. I understand your not supposed to have a canon on it but I'm not sure about a replica canon. Also I don't intend to ever hit the road with this tank. The only issue I think I would run into on the legality of my own tank is the government would have no record of it like they would for those people who restore tanks. I only want this thing because I thought it would be a different way to get to the lake and river on my property when it snows because that's a long walk and I don't have much to drive.. Also I thought it would be entertaining to knock down an old house I have that you cannot possibly live in becauseits crumbling and real easy to fall through the flore. I figure runing a tank through it while recording the destruction and posting it on YouTube would be cool. I suppose what I'm asking is, is it legal the build a tank the way I want to do it?

The Arbiter of common sense2013-01-02T08:40:29Z

Favorite Answer

Feel free. It won't BE a tank because you do not have the capability of casting the main turret, so all you're really doing is welding a bunch of steel onto a bulldozer track. It will not ever be road legal, but if you keep it on your own property, you're fine.


Build Your Own Tank


More than slightly different, I'm afraid.

The tracks on commercial vehicles are intended for reliability and ease of maintenance. The tracks on armored vehicles are high speed track. They are quieter and can run at much higher speeds than commercial track can. The Army doesn't mind if the crews are replacing track blocks and wheels fairly frequently, or even replacing full tracks. Incidentally, not a fun job. An Abrams track weighs about 2400 pounds and is a sort of dangerous thing to work with, often requiring another tank to help.

Yes, it is legal though if you wanted to do it, people even own and operate actual tanks.


It is legal to own a tank in most states.....In fact there is a man in San Diego California who rents one for proms and different unique events. Proudly owning ammunition and tanks is limited to these with Federal makes it possible for. There are different civilian legal guidelines which at the same time not specially directed towards "tanks" might impact their use (i.E. You can't hinder traffic on public highways.......You can not damage the public highway (tread marks) )


Russia was selling them real cheap a few years ago. People bought them for logging and such. Got 6 gallons to the mile for gas though.

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